Become an Associate member of the Idaho Wool Growers Association! Associate membership is for any person or business with a direct interest in sheep but does not actively own sheep. This can include, but is not limited to: sheep shearers, dog trainers/handlers/breeders, fiber artists, retired producers, people who love the industry, veterinarians, and more.
This is a non-voting member of the Idaho Wool Growers Association and a membership to the American Sheep Industry (ASI) Association. Learn more about ASI here.
Associate dues are $60.
The IWGA works to foster, promote, protect, and encourage the business of developing, raising, and marketing sheep in Idaho. Join today and receive the following benefits:
- Monthly IWGA Bulletin with industry updates and information
- Monthly Lamb Market Reports
- Monthly ASI Magazine
- Access to the Members-Only Resources page on the IWGA website with up-to-date information and research on the sheep industry
- Listing in printed & Online Directory
- FREE Classified listings in IWGA Bulletins
- Participate in IWGA events to network and connect with fellow members
- Receive 10% off all Sheep Shoppe purchases
- Members automatically receive $2,000 worth of coverage for Accidental Death Insurance at no cost
- Receive special rates and pricing for IWGA events and programming
- Gain contacts & updates on policy changes and current issues with the ability to have your voice heard and implement change
- Automatically receive updates on the American Lamb Board, Public Lands Council, American Sheep Industry Association, and other related organizations
- Continuously grow your knowledge base with educational events, webinars, and articles
We invite you to join the Idaho Wool Growers Association!
Want to join the IWGA but actively own sheep? Active membership is for you! Learn more here.